Bruschetta with ricotta, Speck Alto Adige PGI and fig jam - recipe

Course: appetizer
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: easy Plaited breadsticks with spelt and nut flour and Speck Alto Adige
Preparation time: 30 min.
Created by: Stefano Cavada


  Bruschetta with ricotta, Speck and fig jam

4 slices of bruschetta bread
4 tablespoons ricotta
25 g fig jam
A few basil leaves
4 thin slices of Speck Alto Adige PGI
Extra virgin olive oil

8 slices of bruschetta bread
8 tablespoons ricotta
50 g fig jam
A few basil leaves
8 thin slices of Speck Alto Adige PGI
Extra virgin olive oil

16 slices of bruschetta bread
16 tablespoons ricotta
100 g fig jam
A few basil leaves
16 thin slices of Speck Alto Adige PGI
Extra virgin olive oil



Season the ricotta with salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil. Toast the slices of bread brushed with oil on each side under a grill or in a non-stick frying pan. Sprinkle the bruschetta with the ricotta and finish with a slice of Speck Alto Adige PGI, a little fig jam and the basil leaves shredded by hand. 


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