Beetroot Pizza with Speck Alto Adige PGI, apple and Gorgonzola

Course: main course
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: medium 
Preparation time: 60 min.
Created by: Klara & Ida


  Beetroot Pizza with Speck Alto Adige PGI, apple and Gorgonzola

For the dough

50 ml lukewarm water
4g dried yeast
1 tsp. honey 
250g type 405 (pastry) flour
1 tsp. salt 
100 ml beetroot juice 
For the topping
4 tsps. sour cream 
1 small apple 
1 handful walnuts 
100g blue cheese
2 tsps. honey 
Speck Alto Adige PGI (quantity to preference) 
Lamb’s lettuce and cress (quantity to preference)


To make the dough, pour the lukewarm water into a small bowl, add the yeast and honey and stir gently until the yeast has dissolved. Combine the flour and salt in a bowl, and add the yeast water and beetroot juice.  Mix roughly and then knead to a smooth dough by hand or in a food processor. Hand-kneading is quick and easy, and you can feel the dough becoming more elastic. As soon as the dough stops sticking to the bowl, cover with a dishcloth and leave in a warm place for 2 hours (i.e., in a turned-off, closed oven).

Divide the dough into two even pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Cover and leave to rest for another hour. Preheat the oven to 250°C (fan-assist).

Now roll out the balls of dough. Spread with sour cream. Wash, core and slice the apples finely, and arrange them on top of the sour cream together with the walnuts. Dot the blue cheese over the pizza. Place in the oven and bake for 8-10 minutes. Before serving, drizzle with honey and arrange the Speck Alto Adige PGI, lettuce and cress if desired. Wash the lettuce first and remove all roots, so that the small leaves can be scattered easily over the pizza.



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